Holy moly, I’m obsessed with South African artist Kurt Pio‘s larger than life diamond paintings. Many moons ago, while enrolled in the jewelry design program at FIT, I spent hours upon hours learning how to paint diamonds using gouache on paper – and let me tell you, all those fragmented facets are extremely tedious and nearly impossible to create. Needless to say, I’m blown away by how realistic and dynamic each piece is. Love!
(via The Jealous Curator)
It’s incredible how these are paintings! The detail and the way that he captures the light is incredible. I could definitely see these pieces adorning the walls of my Manhattan apartment. What do you guys think?
I’m a fashion blogger in NYC. To follow my adventures featuring the best of NYC’s fashion and food, check out sustenanceandstyle.com. Always looking to collaborate with new bloggers, so contact me! See you there xx
– Stephanie
I have got to have one of these! I thought about making a pendant with a ‘fake’ painted diamond, but this is a hundred times better. Very beautiful!
Amazing! These look so realistic and detailed.
Very cool! amazing textures! http://www.thepaarblog.com/
Oh wow stunning, he is amazing! What a talent!
OMG! That’s amazing!!!! Incredible beautifull!
I am stunned by awesomeness!!
Wow, just wow! I may attempt this myself and if they come out only 1/2 as good I’ll be happy with that.
A hot guy who paints diamonds? Could that sentence be any more perfect? (And yes I lowered the tone, but it doesn’t detract from his crazy talent or all round awesome, honest!).
LOVE this artists work! Been a fan for a while, so excited to see him featured here. Your story about the FIT jewelry design class 100% true haha, I’m an alum too. I would much rather have drawn the stones at this large scale, tiny is not my strong suit!!! That’s when I realized I was meant to make the jewelry not render it.
Also Louise if you fancy the artist you should go to his website and check out the “full moon” series… I think you’ll like what you see 😉
Don’t have to tell me twice! I’m there lol 😉
so cool! almost as good as the real thing. 🙂
midnight snark
As an artist/painter, I can SOOOooo appreciate the effort it would take to create these pieces…just wonderful. Thanks for featuring art on your blog and for appreciating it – bravo you!
wow so amazing! the detail and the scale is so mesmerizing!!!!
I have a fine jewelry store that is also an fine art gallery. Would like to inquire about showing the paintings.
These look so paint! If I could paint, I would od a colour by numbers painting tutorial for hapinesswherever.wordpress.com but as it is I have to stick with jewellery, fashion, accessories, beauty, home decor and paper crafts! I guess that’s quite a bit to chew so maybe it’s a good thing 😛
love this series of paintings. thank you for sharing.
These paintings are amazing, The level fo skill and intricate detail involved is very impressive. Thanks for sharing this awesome abstract artist/