Free People recently took to the streets of New York City and Los Angeles to photograph their January catalog. It’s on the go versus laid back, the hot dog versus the taco, the subway versus the skateboard, the taxi versus the red convertible . . . so what city do you think wins in this battle? NY or LA?
(images courtesy of FreePeople)
Manhattan. Hands Down.
I WISH I had legs like that! I thought if you lived in Cali you were just supposed to come with those.
i’m an LA baby all the way!
Karlie looks great in these photos. If it weren’t already voting for NY, she’d definitely influence my choice.
I like how these pictures make NY look, but in real like, I’m more into LA!
NY no question!
LA fo sho.
NY without any doubt!
I was (and will probably soon again be) a New Yorker, so it’s hard for me to turn on NY. I have to admit that I have never been to LA though and I am dying to see it. I really hate crappy weather and obviously LA wins when it come to that!
My whole life I would have said NY- until I moved to LA. TOTALLY get it now! LA baby!
Great photos, they all are so different, love it.
It is eighty degrees in LA today..enough said.
I think LA wins this one…Free People’s aesthetic just seems more in line with LA.
New York, all the way! Wish I was there now!
Being a New Yorker who has lived in L.A. for the last 4 years – I’m torn on this one. But, as someone mentioned – it’s 80 degrees in LA today while NYC is shivering in their Hunter Wellies… just sayin’
<3 Blonde Vivant
Manhattan. duh.
sorry LA but NY all the way. Always.
I live in OC… and I like the aesthetic in NY much more.
Undoubtedly New York. So much classier. Never was a fan of the ‘hipster’ fashion…
LA all the way
NY without a doubt. But I love the way the vibe of both cities was captured.
viva NY! Home sweet home.
NY! <3
New York. And it’s not only because I’m from there, I just love cardigans.
Can I really decide without ever being to new York for real? I think I’d prefer new york. Maybe in 2011 I’ll get to go there and then I could decide
I love it!
hard to choose… i know i want all the clothes anyway x
for these pics, new york wins for sure! i lived in la for seven years and i don’t think it wins in general…. ny people are more real/less acting like a star in their own reality show.
NY for sure!! I might be a little bias though…
I love both New York and Cali.
But as far as fashion sense goes, New York is the winner. Calif is more a life style choice than anything else.
I love the pictures. I dont know which city I love the most.
New York, hands down. The California looks are definitely cool and have a great vibe, but New York will always be the fashion epicenter in my mind. Plus, I’m an East Coaster.
~ Christina
West Coast = The Best Coast
can i vote on the bi-coastal thing?
xx, k
Maybe it’s just cause I live here but NY!! I love it, super cute simple and classy.
I vote for CHICAGO!
Dang, Karlie kills it. Would normally root for LA but gotta go with NYC on this one.
for me: definetely NY!!
beautiful photoshoots!
LA Fosizzle.
Both styles are amazing, but still, New-York has my heart!
NYC!! No doubts! LoL Visit our NEW BLOG!! and tell us what u think…I Hope u r gonna like it
They’re both amazing, even if the people who live there have very different lifestyles.
I’m craving for a pretzel now. Thanks a lot.
My heart belongs to NYC but those half naked boys in LA make me rethink my opinion…. Yeah, still New York.
Some of these pictures are adorable — and so relaxed.
wow, someone learned how to use photoshop.
Putting up with the 2 hour and ever rising ticket for the NJ transit is completely worth ending up in such a wonderful city!!! New York, you have my heart and my vote!!!
i love both the cities, but i will always be a west coast girl at heart! LA rocks
I’ll take a taco and a skateboard over a hot dog and a cab any day of the week. Really, with the way the So Cal weather has been recently theres no contest.
Where do all roads lead to? That, I do not know. But I know this: all roads pass through New York City, sooner or later.
NYC <3
The clothes are better, and the pictures look great!
So fun! NYC all the way
Sarah! I agree. As a born and raised Northeasterner and previous Manhattanite I would have always (and proudly) sided with my beloved NYC. But now I’m an Angeleno. 2 years in and it’s LA. All about LA. Oh AND I used to work for FP, and truthfully, we built those pieces for west coasters. So. yeah. there ya have it.
I think the photos and styling in ny is slightly stronger. But ive never been to la so dont feel qualified to properly judge. I love LA style though, it translates well to london, with its slightly more laid-back vibe. Real nice to see the statue of liberty, I saw that performer twice in a week when I was visiting ny in dec.
I think the styling and the photos in NYC are stronger than the ones in LA. So yeah, the winner is NYC. Although LA is my dream city
Seams like everyone in one city likes the esthetics of the other, I guess the grass is always greener on the other side!
I’ve got a lot of love for L.A.
But, for me, it’s New York. Then, now and evermore.
LA fo sho.
The NY shoot wins hands down, but in real life, LA is the winner.
My are these all crazy and inverted? As they supposed to be that way? Makes it very difficult to see the clothes…
new york !!
Definitely not supposed to be inverted. Don’t know what happened here but it dramatically reduces the impact of the photos.
i love how chilled the whole look is, Karlie looks so pretty!!
Such a great question, Hmmm..I have to say I’m vibin’ LA. Maybe because it’s winter and I want warmth. Have you see the video yet? It is super adorable.
I am in LA but the look of the NY shoot is amazing…A peeve of mine is that NY is VERY fashion while LA is laid back and extra chill….This shoot furthers that thinking…ggrrrrrr…. Can we be dressed up?!?!
I vote Chicago!
NY! The sheer variety (versus hippie sensibility of all the LA shots) of NY alone wins.