After spending a hectic week in New York City for Fashion Week, I retreated to Pennsylvania via train. I was blown away by my very first visit to this state: miles and miles of beautiful barns and farm houses, rolling mountains, animals, antique and thrift stores, Amish country, and a mix of 70 degree and snowy weather!
(all images by Honestly…WTF)
Amazing pics!Amazing wonderland
Never been here 
Still check up your web, send a bye from Czech rep.
I grew up in Berks County PA and those photos make me homesick- in a good way. Really lovely.
definitely very far away from city life!
I’m in love with that wall of drawers.
Ah, I love PA. These are really beautiful pictures-thanks for sharing.
beautiful photographs.
those sunsets make me melt.
january, x
I’ve lived all my life in PA, and I never want to leave. Even living in Pittsburgh now I can drive a few minutes and be at a farm.
Nice pics…
utterly, utterly amazing. thank you for the beautiful photos. i didn’t know humble PA could look so charming.
This post is making me homesick! There really is no place like PA. Great shots!
Oh these are beautiful, making me miss fall/winter since in FL its already summer!
And that cute little cow/bull..awhh!
I am so glad you all like these photos! Does anybody know what kind of animal that is? Some say a yack, but I don’t think so…
These pictures are stunning.
Love these photos! You definitely captured PA very well! You said you were in Amish country…so were you in Lancaster? It’s so nice out there! That barn looks very familiar, but then again, there are a lot of barns similar to that one near me!
the extreme opposite for sure! but so beautiful
Yes Chelsea I was in Lancaster county. I think the Amish pics are near the town of Intercourse. What’s up with the names of their towns Blue Ball and Intercourse? Honestly…WTF
Love these pictures.
Grew up in northeastern Pa, the photos bring me back! City living is so different. Did make it down to Philadelphia?
Hey Lauren these photos are AMAZING! I thought maybe it was a baby buffalo, whatever it is I want to hug it!!!!
Lauren, these photos are gorgeous! I especially love the one of the horse trotting by w the carriage. Beautiful.
I’m from PA and currently going to school in Georgia. These pictures really make me miss my home state a lot, even if I am from the more suburban portion. Beautiful photographs.
Amazing photography. I really want to “see”, really see all of America. Not just big cities.
Hey Sarah, I was only in the country. No big cities for me. Just Hershey,and Harrisburg. Next time!
Lauren, Love those pictures, was waiting to see when some would appear! FUN! Debra
i have some curiosity about amish people.
Amazing, beautiful,fascinating. Is it really that beautiful in the dead of winter or is it your eye and your photography that make it so?
I’m also from PA (Philly area) and haven’t been to Lancaster in years. The best thing I love about where I live is I’m couple hours from Nyc and DC or the beach or mountains. You’re really in the middle of it all ha.
Looks like you’re in my backyard! I love your photos, it is great to see something so familiar through someone else’s eyes and captured so beautifully.
Wow; I’ve never been back east, spent my whole life out on the west coast, mostly in the rain. It looks amazing – just like you’d think it *should*
and I think that’s a long-haired buffalo you saw!
Beautiful photos! Whatever it is, I want to hug that fuzzy baby cow thing.
WOW. those pictures are absolutely stunning. You have such a tremendous eye and perspective. Makes me want to move to Pennsylvania!
i live in nj… that antique shop gives me butterflies, haha, i must make this trip in the summer. wtf is that animal…. i’ve never seen things like that roaming around jersey… lol.
The breed are called ‘Highland Cattle’. I’ve only ever heard them referred to in the plural like that, so I’m not sure if you’d call him a Highland Bullock? They have beautiful red coats, and eventually amazing wide sweeping horns. My Mum’s family used to raise them in the 60’s.
Beautiful pictures, thank you.
very beautiful pictures! I especially like the ones with the orange sky
Great pics! I’m biased since I’m a PA native, but man.. best state!
Goodnes, this is just my favourite blog, you girls just have the best style x
WOW—Jen Thank you so much for letting us know what it was, I knew it wasn’t a Yack. I’d never heard of a Highland Cattle before. Thank you so much!!!!
Soooo Nice. My grandson’s finance sent them to me. It was exciting as I scrolled down and saw my barn and then the next photo ID the location. Thanks for pointing out beauty so near – buildings and the scenery. That’s why I wouldn’t live anywhere but York County, PA.
If you like things like that, come to Northern California!
Redwood trees, mountains, Pacific ocean, fog, absolute beauty!
uhm no, Pennsylvania is not all ‘Amish-country’