When graphic designer and artist Joanna Bean Martin shared with us her technique for marbling the bottoms of glassware with nail polish, we couldn’t wait to try it ourselves. Who knew it would be such an easy way to add color and pattern to your next tablescape or party? Remember, the brighter and bolder colors you use, the more the glasses will radiate and glow. Have fun!
You’ll need:
- flat bottomed glassware
- variety of colorful nail polish
- clear nail polish
- a disposable plastic container
- nail polish remover
- painters tape
- toothpicks
Mask off the bottom of the glass with painters tape.
Fill a disposable, plastic container with water. Open all the nail polish bottles and start dripping polish into the water, one color at a time.
Layer the colors one on top of the other. Take a toothpick and pull out the polish to create a swirly pattern, starting from the center. Work quickly as the polish will start to harden and clump up over time.
Submerge the bottom of the glass into the polish. Allow the polish to collect around the sides of the glass and pull out carefully. Little air bubbles may form but that is to be expected! Before marbling the next glass, take a clean toothpick and sweep up any excess polish from the water.
Allow to dry completely before applying a layer of clear polish.
Once everything has dried, remove the painters tape and touch up with nail polish remover and a cotton swab.
Your glowing glasses are finished! *Glassware should be hand washed only.
Bottoms up!
(tutorial adapted from Joanna Bean Martin; all images by HonestlyWTF)
this is the coolest DIY ever!!
very cool.
january, x
Awesome DIY, I haven’t seen anything like this before!
wow, great idea!
Oh my god, are you KIDDING ME?!?! This is actually possible?! Why have we not been painting our glassware with nail polish for years? This has got to be one of the most ingenious DIYs I’ve seen ever. I know I say that to you guys from time to time, but then you keep going and topping yourselves. Not that you can top this one, seriously, this just blew my mind. Wonder if there’s something else we could use instead of clear nail polish to seal it so it’d even be dishwasher friendly…
Love, love, love this! What a great DIY!
I LOVE this idea!! It’s so simple, but looks so great. I’m definetely trying this.
GOD this is the coolest diy ive ever seen.
so pretty!!!!! what a great idea!
love your blog
xoxo Meagan
Another fantastic idea! That looks beautiful.
My mom once did that with some old glasses, and we all thought she was crazy but clearly she was on to something.
This so fabulous! My glasses better watch out ; )
This is relly beautiful! And i love the colors you chose <3
This is so awesome!! Must try it out, I do a lot of water-marbling on my nails. Never thougt of doing it on other stuff though! x
I love the DIY, but I REALLY love the glassware – where did you find it?
this is an amazing diy… definitely want to try it.
Wow how cool!! Reposting this in this Friday’s weekly reads!!
Cool! I knew about this “magic”:) with nail polish, but on glass? No.
Good idea.
Thats awesome!
Lovely DIY…. The glasses in the picture are beautiful…
always a great addition to any home and always looks fantastic.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
This is brilliant – I LOVE!
Genius!!! Am actually going to have a go at it!
That looks like a lot of fun.
I”m mesmerized by this. It’s so cool!
This is an amazing idea, i’m going to try this out!
Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen
LOVE LOVE LOVE this tut. I cannot wait to try it and marbelize everything in sight. Y’all are amazing!!!!
These are awesome! I tried it with shaving creme and dye on fabric and it definitely did NOT turn out this lovely…..
Very cool. And so easy! I’m envisioning doing this with wine glasses, on the bases up to the stem.
This blows my mind!
Oh god, I want all of those nail polishes!
What a brilliant way to use up my last season nail polish! It will be dark and moody though.
Psychedelic! I have so many plain shot glasses laying around. I think they’re asking for a makeover like this one.
mon amy
Love this. I can’t wait to try this at home on my glasses!
Belle epoque @ fashionista-brit.blogspot.com
What pretty! I love!
great idea, works so well!
Wow, what an amazing and fun project! Love the colors you used!
Caitie @ http://www.thriftedandmodern.com
You can use same technique on your finger nails very cool!
Reminds me of these awesome candle holders but next level! I might have to do both!!!
Thats really nice
please sell in your “HWTF” shop!
are those bodum glasses??
oo such a fun idea!
That looks amazing! What a fantastic idea!
This is the most amazing idea I’ve seen in awhile! I will use this idea definitely!
You guys ROCK the DIY’s -love love love
Looks great! Wouldn’t you be able to seal it with some modge podge to make it more durable, possibly even machine-washable?
Such an amazing result!
Fashion in Pepperland
That is so cool!! Love it!!! <3<3<3
I love this idea! definitely trying this
I tried the whole water manicure before and it was unsuccessful, this looks like it would work out much better!
<3 Kate
Love! I recently did a marble manicure, http://dontmisit.blogspot.com/2012/03/marble-nail-art-diy.html
It was lovely, but nails last for a week, these promise to last longer! I cannot wait to make some summer marbled glasses!
I LOVE this idea. so clever and a great way to add drama and a pop of color to an other simple summer table. How fantastic would an all white table be with these fun, happy, modern, chic glasses?! thanks for sharing.
This is a great idea!! but nail polish chips off of glassware… wouldn’t it work much better with glass paint?
What a great trick!! It will be on the top of my DIY list for sure!! xoxo
believe it or not,there is a similiar application but its done on fingernails!its called water nail art and it takes some practice,but i ve managed to master it!you ll find it on youtube.com if you want the nail tutorial,,,,,,,this is an awesome idea for glassware!
Original idea!! Looks amazing:)
I once paint my glass with my unused nail polish and the result is really cool.
COOL but i’m not sure is nice…for me NOT =) Sorry but always is amazing your DIY’s
La Vie Quotidienne
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Totally fun!
how cool is this!
Awesome DIY! Thanks for sharing.
totally cool idea. will try this soon:)
OMG this is soooo cool
I am sooo trying it sometime during the summer!! Those glasses would be perfect to brighten up glasses for a summer BBQ or party
i did it !
this is such a great idea, so creative. could even make a good gift!
From Cupcakes, With Love x
Such a great idea! I wish I could get something like that for a birthday.
It looks great. Thank you for this nice tutorial
le cours des choses
This is amazing! So damn cool! Great post!
love it!
That’s an awesome idea! Looking great!!
my friends and I did our nails with same technique!! you can do rad experimental nail arts…
Great DIY , Thanks for sharing .
xo ,
Ana Catalarrana
wow, this is beyond wonderful.
Oh, my…. This is definitely one of the coolest, best DIY ideas I’ve seen! It’s now on my to-do list!
Looks like fun! I might just try it!
I love this! Can’t wait to try this myself.
This is such a great idea. I used to do something similar with easter eggs and oil paint but I love that you can use these all the time! Especially if you drink as many shots as I do…
This is so cool! It’s actually a DIY I’d tried.
Love it. Can you use the nail polish remover and take it off and redo it if you decide to change it up?
Nail polish to make decorative glasswares? That’s really, really creative! Two thumbs up!
Annabella Merlin
Creative Photo Albums
wow what a cute idea i love it
do they go through the dishwasher unharmed? just wondering…
Tried to do this… and it did NOT work
The nail polish sank to the bottom and clumped immediately. We could only get one color to stay at the top, and as soon as we put another color in with it, they separated from each other.
@Susan, perhaps the water is too cold. try it with warmer water!
I just tried it today with a vase and a jar. It worked! Looks good! Thanks for the post!
this is a fantastic tutorial ! thanks for sharing this, I just discovered your blog and I think it is very pretty.
Amazing! I will totally try it out. I didn’t like the marbled nails but this looks great
Beautiful idea with all those crazy leftover colors that are filling up our bathroom drawers!
Just found your awesome blog! Love this idea! I’ll have to try it out.
Do you know if this would work on acrylic glass?
wow! I am going to get some polishes!!
Finally a purpose for those colors you buy for one use. I have about 30 colors choices!!!
These are amazing! Awesome idea
Can’t wait to do this!!
very cool and summer!!!!
I am thinking that this idea would be perfect for wine glasses. This would be a cute gift for a friends birthday! Can not wait to do this
I shared a link to your tutorial on The Craft Connection http://craft-connection.blogspot.com/2012/05/diy-marbled-glassware.html
this is a cool idea. Ive seen this technique done on finger nails too. Very cool!
Awesome diy thanks for the inspiration.
Jewelry Rage
Hyper genial ! A faire Merci Vi
in Turkey we called this technique -> Ebru Sanati it´s an old ottoman crafts if you want you can google it.
instead of glas you can use paper or other things
Did it…LOVE it…shared it!! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151042130149796.444695.166064804795&type=1
Amazing project! and shared.
Just tried this, and looks pretty cool…My only question.complaint is the air bubbles!
I know in the tutorial it said that they’re to be expected, but when I got them, they popped and would ruin the whole marble design to the point where I feel like I want to redo the whole project. Any help, maybe?
This is beautiful. So ingenious of you. I can’t wait to try it out.
This DIY is the same for nails so if you like it, get it on your fingers!
I have to try this!
Oh my goshhhh! I’ve known of water marble nails for a long time, but the idea of using it on glasses is unique!!! Thank you so much of this tutorial!!!!
Great!this glassware looks so beautiful and I like it at all!
OMG!!! thats so simple and amazing!!! cant wait to try!!!
Just made these with the same glasses! Gorgeous and simple but beware the air bubbles, a bit tricky but worth the patience:)
does it ever come off? like in the dishwasher or if u scratch at it??
I have these kinds of shot glasses! I have to try this.
I can’t seem to get it to work. The first type of nail polish I used just sank to the bottom no matter the water temp and the second batch of nail polish I used dried so fast on the water that I didn’t even have time to swirl it become it wrapped itself around the toothpick. Can you advise?
omg Nice !!
dumb. hey, newsflash. if a kindergartener can do it, it probably isn’t worth publishing on the web. just cause it’s new to yyou, oh my gosh, go get a camera, now i’m popular. you dam martha stewart artsy fartsy wannabees. ok ok your speical. happy now.
Its amazing, i love it
– love Michelle from Denmark
1st off, “blumpybuttt” is an idiot & should leave Pinterest all together. Your username says it all!
We started this project yesterday. It’s not as easy as u think. Trial & error on which polishes work. I’ll post a pic of our finished work once it’s done.
blumpybuttt, don’t you dare comment!
these are sooooo cute!
I tried these and it is not as easy as it makes it out to sound. For me it was easier to drop the nail polish on the bottom and swirl with a toothpick that way.
It’s a different idea and featured for just a glassware. Thank you!
I think this is awesome and a great idea. I thank you for sharing it as we will be using it for shot glasses as favors for our wedding.
I will be sure to say made by us idea by Honestly WTF….
I did this.. It made a little mess but that was easy to clean up!
It looks really cool!
I only used three colors: Purple, Blue, and Green, but it amazing
Question do i use only glass cups? or can i use clear plastic?
You use the word “glassware”, but are you actually using “glass” or is the “glassware” actually “acrylic” glassware? I was wondering if it makes a difference.3
These look fabulous! And it looks so simple to do. I must go through the nail polish and decide which colors would look best.
OK, so I did this and blogged about it. It took me a LONG time to figure out how to get it right. I included some tips and tricks in my post… Thanks for the inspiration. Mine came out awesome, completely different
This is awesome! You can also use a similiar technique for your nails too
Wow! That looks so cool! Just pinned it on my DIY file on pinterest. Thank you so much for sharing this idea ♡♡♡
I’ve seen this done on the bodies of electric guitars and basses. Pretty sweet.
it’s just amazing !!! O_o
Wow…I had to scroll down, down, down and then DOWN even more to comment. So many fans seem to love this idea. Count me among them
This is such a clever idea, and I’m highly jealous that I wasn’t the one to think of it!
Since I can’t use nail polish on my nails any more for weird medical reasons, a question for those who do their nails with this technique: how do you not end up with nail polish all over your fingers? Do you mask off the mail area somehow? (I know, I could Google it, but since you’re all here already…)
Hey, I love the idea, but are these just for decorative use only? Have you tried washing them in the dishwasher/is it safe? I’d love to try it out, but I’d want to make sure I could still use the glasses afterwards.
mind blowing ….super like
wow! loving it
I’ve tried finding an answer in the comments with no success… can anyone tell me how easily the paint scratches off? I’m sure it’s not dishwasher safe but at how easy is it to hand wash? I just don’t want to have to spend all that time and effort only to have it come off after the first use, ya know…
@Jennifer, the clear nail polish helps seal the colored polish. After several washes, I’m sure the paint will eventually scratch off. However, this has yet to happen to my glasses. Hope this helps! Good luck.
Interestingly beautiful love to try that someday……soon
COOL! gonna try this now!
:))))) THANKS!
Great idea, I am definitely going to try this!
I liked it so much but it didn’t worked.. :S think i did something wrong.. when i started to pull out the polish with the toothpick it was already dried.. it’s too beautiful to give up on it, i’ll try it again,,
Cool, I try this now!
and we can try s.th else too.. we can don’t put the cover, then some parts of of our glass in the top would be color full too.
try it. it would be pretty!
Wow!!! This is really cool!! Totally love it!!
cool very nice tips thanks for sharing……………!
This is very nice, but how do you seal the paint? this can get out with use or a single scratch…
Amazing.. Its very pretty.. Such an awesome blog you shared..
Interesting idea, I’m thinking to tell this to my gf… she will most certainly try to do it
I wonder if it would work anybetter with etching the bottom of the glass first…
love this!
Thank you for this amazing idea!
After reading this, I immediately decorated 4 bottles.
Now I know what to do with my empty pasta and sauce bottles
I’ve added your link to my pininterest page
Have an awesome and creative day!
Would be a great ‘favour’ idea for a wedding!
WOw…. this stuff is seriously amazing.. gonna do it today.have sooooooo many nail paints that i dont use anymore and my dad has sooooooo many glasses…
Very interesting and useful!
I tried it, and its harder than it looks! But now i have amazing glasses!! 1 tip: you need put the glas at an angle into the water -not flat-, otherwise you get a bubble underneath your polish and then you have to start over….
i tried it, its bit difficult for the 1st time but can do it..
oh common girls you can fix your nails like that!;)I tried many times is nice for the summer!
it worked really well but i decided to do almost the whole shot glass instead of just the bottom. and it looked awesome.
Very Cool Glassware designs and too good. Lovely designs and it needs a lots of patience to have this done. Great work and cool concept. loved it.
Super mooi!
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you can do that with your nails too
So cute!!! I’m going to do for sure!
this is super, will try it out!
what you’re finished, maybe if you put the glasses in the oven at about 350 for 15 min. then u can probably wash them in the dishwasher
Lovely for presents too!! Just buy a set of shot glasses and decorate them
Also, your nails.
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very good idea and your presentation too good
Really great idea. I like this DIY.
This is AWESOME. Its different and makes your glasses more beautiful.
Are these still dishwasher safe?
You could also possibly stencil on someone’s name or words of your choosing on the sides as a gift… like, possibly glue-sticking the paper stencil to the glass and taping the outer edges and all the sides, and quickly rolling the glass through a pan of water like that. Would make a trippy Bride/Groom set, I think…
Nail polish on glasses
I’m doing this tonight with wine glasses for the holidays!!
Love this and will try to make it. I have a lot of nail polishes, cause I was painted small stones all summer. Nice hoby on beach. Love all your post, because it is usualy all simply to make and results are great!
Wow what a great site, glad I saw this it was so helpful. Have you read about http://www.diybabymobile.com, another great website! Keep up the good work!
This would also be great for parties and wedding decorations. Just imagine the possibilities. Mason jars bowls for treats at the wedding using the wedding colors. WOW
Most of the Bollywood celebrities also use these and they are BEAUTIFUL…no doubt
Nail polish on glasses
Great site you have here.. It’s difficult to find high quality writing like yours nowadays.
I really appreciate people like you! Take care!!
I love it.
I’m sure the polish would stick better if you lightly sand the glass then clean it with rubbing alcohol first. Also, would it be dishwasher safe if you set the paint by baking it in the oven after you’ve finished decorating it?
I did this to some $store glasses, check out my video on my Facebook album
I also did this to a shot glass just to see if I could put it in the dishwasher, the dishwasher idea started chipping off after 2 washes so id recommend hand washing only. im making them for Christmas gifts so ill put a note in with them saying so.
Thanks for the great idea, I’m going to try it since I have so much nail polish that I don’t even use
Nice post, I am employee of HangPlas Ltd, the manufacturer of molded parts for manufacturing industry and household.
Great Post, I like it. thanks for sharing.
I tried this and the bottom was all blobby and anything but smooth. Not sure what happened there.
Wonderful colors!!! We love it!!!
I want to try this on some wine glasses that could use a little color!
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I tried , but something went wrong
I think thats because I had air bubbles when I pulled out the glass … I dont know how mend it . 
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lookie here
Big Like… Nice
Its nice idea. I liked it.
I tried it, totally did not work. Nail polish hardened in seconds and I ruined a glass. Any tips? Water temp? Is that important? Thx
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Love it
One question? Can the finished glasses be baked in the oven like I do with painted glasses for longer wear and tear?? Thank you
“Do you know what a pessimist is?” “A man who thinks everybody is as nasty as himself, and hates them for it.”
amazing craft…
What a neat idea!! This would even be used for a teen overnight party for them to take a glass home to remember that event.
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All great ideas!! I will definitely try a few of them.
How durable is this? How easily or quickly will the nail polish come off?
Wow wonderful information