Obsessed with these bizarre surreal oil paintings by Spanish painter Paco Poment. It’s amazing how he can create such moody pieces with just one color – just goes to show how powerful color can be!
(via The Artful Desperado)
Obsessed with these bizarre surreal oil paintings by Spanish painter Paco Poment. It’s amazing how he can create such moody pieces with just one color – just goes to show how powerful color can be!
(via The Artful Desperado)
Intriguing. They seem to be made out of old postcards… adding something surreal, slightly uncanny, funny, too.. there are some strange stories that begin to flicker through your mind almost immediately looking at them.
thanks for sharing.
I love them!
If you hadn’t said one color, I don’t think I would have even noticed because these paintings are so wonderfully dimensional. Love the Western setting as well.
Love them!
My Fantabulous World
Love the softness of image and color..
Yael Guetta
Very amazing post and inspiring blog! Keep up the great work, I’m a fan!
Hello ! I just wanna say that is a cool discovery but the name of the artist is Paco Pomet… Unless it is a pun…
Gorgeous, so beautiful even wit that one colour
beautiful! thanks for the introduction to this work!
Wow these paintings are so beautiful! They really inspired me. Just the way he adds one color into a black and white painting. To me it looks like magic. That one color really gets the attention of the entire painting. But you still see the rest of the painting. I wish I could paint something like that. It is very unique. I have never seen something like this before. But I will remember this for my whole life. There are so many details in there. When you watch it a second or a third time you see something you didn’t see by the first time.