Gibbs Farm

Gibbs Farm, a large sculpture park in North Auckland, New Zealand, is home to a collection of incredible, large scale artworks by some of the world’s most significant artists. Because most all the works are commissioned,…

DIY Rosewater Spray

While summer spritzers used to be reserved for the ubiquitous Evian bottle, refreshing water mists now come in a variety of scents heeding a multitude of benefits. The most popular face and body spray would…

Book Worm

Author and playwright Alan Bennett was once quoted as saying “A bookshelf is as particular to its owner as are his or her clothes; a personality is stamped on a library just as a shoe…

August I’m On Your Side

Just when I thought I couldn’t swallow another peplum blouse or studded something, Zara has managed to win me over with their latest offerings. And head-to-toe black ensembles?! I can get down with that.

Sunday Suppers

The Makers Project recently gave us a beautiful behind-the-scenes look into how Karen Mordechai, of Sunday Suppers, prepares for each of her lovely dinner parties in Brooklyn. Sunday Suppers is a well rounded dining experience where a…

Call Parade

Brazilian telecom company Vivo recently sponsored a public arts project that involved 100 artists decorating and painting 100 public telephone booths around São Paulo. How cool would it be to stumble upon one of these helmet-like shells on the street?…

Sea Monsters

Inspired by Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Karen Walker’s fall collection combines sea militariana with Victorian romance and a bit of 60s mod. I’m crushing big time on the octopus sweater, the navy…