Four years ago I spent 6 weeks on the road from Oregon to New Mexico in a 76′ Minnie Winnie and have been a huge fan of the “life on the road” lifestyle ever since. So it’s no surprise that I’ve found a soulmate in Foster Huntinton, the author of Home Is Where You Park It. In the summer of 2011 Foster left his job in New York and moved into a VW camper. After 100,000 miles on the road meeting like-minded people, he started a successful Kickstarter campaign to publish his second photo book of various vans and campers. Some people are obsessed with bookshelves, some have a thing for doors . . . Foster and I are in love with mobile homes.
(images via Van Life, & A Restless Transplant; Home is Where You Park it Book $65)
The pics look amazing
xx Mira
6 WEEKS! Wow that’s pretty cool.
I love the idea of it… but I dont think I could do 6 weeks….. 2 weeks max!…. its a bit like mobile camping right?….. I am sure you have some life lasting memories…great experience.x
Nice post!!
XOX, Gap.
loooooove his blog, i’ve been following for a while and his photos and his writing are just so super nice. i need to pick up a copy of his book.
Great option for traveling, for instance to get around South America!
Does this remind anyone else of Breaking Bad?
Oh my goodness! I love this post! My dream is to buy a pink vintage travel trailer so thank you for this!
Laurali Star
I’m sold! I’d be the lady with the plants lining the trim, like in your photos!
xoxo, The Occasional Indulgence
I am going on a cross country road trip with my family next summer and seeing posts like this makes me so excited. I love your Blog style.
Sophia C.
I’m am tripping on so many cool homes! Love your photographs , I feel like i’m there and wishing I was there !!!
This is so great! It makes me want to get an RV and travel the country. So much fun!
Check out the B.A.D blog:
Very cool! I want to go on a road trip now so badly!
These photos are beyond amazing. Never would I think of wanting to live in a camper but this has totally changed my mind.
LOVE it!!! if I only had… a mini bus cool blog, just discovered it, Ill be happy to follow you and Ill welcome you to my blog
The best, Danielle
Wow it looks great!