Belgium-based artist Kris Trappeniers cuts into paper, creating the most unbelievable and intricate paper portraits. Delicate, complex and downright impressive!
(via here)
Belgium-based artist Kris Trappeniers cuts into paper, creating the most unbelievable and intricate paper portraits. Delicate, complex and downright impressive!
(via here)
that’s insane!!!
Wow, that’s really cool
Wow that is amazing! Such skill and creativity, thanks for sharing! <3shelby
That’s awesome to the n-th degree!!!
oh my god i wasn’t expecting that final photo, it’s incredible!! sooo much talent! xx
Absolutely gorgeous. These must take FOREVER.
Fashionable Collections
Holy crow that is incredible! And judging by the xacto in the last photo – it’s huge! Just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, I can’t imagine the patience necessary to do this..
way tooo coool….good lord!
Ficou lindo, eu não havia imaginado que estes cortes poderiam formar este retrato. É necessário paciência.
WTF?!?! That is ridiculous and mind boggling and beautiful and insane all at the same time. My mind has been blown.
It looks just like lace, I want!
wooowww.. amazing!
Holy papercutting, how do they do that?! This a great find. Thanks for sharing! Love it!
Wow! So cool!
The person that created the art obviously had way too much time on their hands!
Wow this is incredible! So intricate and delicate. I wonder how long it takes!
this is absolutely amazing! that takes alot of patience and skill I’m sure. thanks for sharing!
wow those are absolutely beautiful. wish i owned one. so much talent involved.
that is sooo cool! wish i had those kind of skills
These are so beautiful! I can’t even imagine the skill that is needed
Just amazing.
Oh, and I love this blog.
This is incredible!!!! Wonder how long it took to make this.
what! how long did this take? I started to go cross-eyed after only a couple of hours of exactoing.
Emily @</a
I love this! It’s beautiful.
That’s absolutely amazing, I admire the artist’s precision and patience.
wow! beautiful…
insanely amazing
OMG amazing
Thank you for sharing
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This is freakin’ ridiculous. Kris Trappeniers has some mad skillz.
Wearing motherhood with style.
I was really disappointed it turned out to be figurative. Alas. You really let me down Kris Trappeniers.
now that takes a LONG time!!!
I love Trappeniers work – the amazing intricacy of the cuts.
oh my gaaaaawd i just love this blog its my life!!!!!
no words other than AMAZING TALENT explains the degree of talent! GREAT JOB