There’s nothing more infuriating than noticing an accidental scuff on your favorite, far-too-new pair of shoes. The first one is always the worst and then you sadly start to concede to the beatings and bruises your shoes continue to take on thereafter. Honestly, ugh. So when Cristina Palomo-Nelson and Megan Papay, the designing duo behind FRĒDA SALVADOR, hit me up for a DIY date to Jackson Pollock our shoes, I said yes, yes . . . YES! Who knew a pair of leather shoes could take so well to the most basic acrylic paint? New or old, I’m absolutely in love with splattering a pair of sneakers, loafers and oxfords with paint. Old shoes are new again. And new shoes are unique and ridiculously cool. Thank you, Cris and Megan!
You’ll need:
- a pair of loafers or sneakers
- acrylic paint
- round bristle brush (or foam brush)
- packing paper or paper towels
- washi tape (optional)
The first step is to properly arrange your set up, especially if you’ll be splattering paint on your shoes! Hang a drop cloth on a wall (or drape it over a large mirror or picture frame) and let us extend completely onto the surface of a table. Pour your acrylic paints into small containers like little plastic cups or mason jars and practice a few paint splatters against the drop cloth . . . without the shoes, of course!
Dip a dry bristle brush into the paint and either flick your wrist with the brush in hand for larger splatters or use your fingers to flick the bristles of the brush for smaller splatters.
To change colors, simply wash your brush and dry it before dipping it into another paint color. Here is Megan’s multi-colored paint splattered sneakers – so Maison Margeela-esque, n’est pas?
I picked one of my favorite pairs from their fall collection, the laceless d’Orsay loafer in a gorgeous croc print. It clearly needed a splattering of white, my current favorite color!
Mask off the sole with masking or washi tape and stuff the shoes with packing paper or paper towels.
For larger, heavier splatters, saturate your dry brush a large amount of paint, stand a couple of feet back from the shoes and fling the brush towards the shoes in a forceful motion. Again, it’s recommended to practice on the drop cloth before you begin splattering on your shoes.
Allow the shoes to dry overnight before removing the paper and tape.
If splattering paint is a bit too daunting for you, you can always paint directly on the shoes like making hash marks with a flat foam brush. It’s a great way to mask any scuffs or unwanted marks on your shoes!
Cris slashed a pair of d’Orsay oxfords, in smoke fish print, with black and white paint. All you need to do is spread a layer of acrylic paint onto a plate, carefully dip the edge of the brush into the paint and stamp directly onto the shoe.
The possibilities are endless with just a bit of acrylic paint and a pair of shoes. I’d love to see or hear about how yours turn out – let us know, won’t you?
(images by HonestlyWTF & Melissa McArdle; all shoes by FRĒDA SALVADOR)
I honestly thought this was a ridiculous idea until I saw how the white brogues turned out! Crafty people you are 🙂
I think this project could only be carried out on say, a pair of asos loafers……
Who would have thought that this would be a thing now! I love the sneakers’ and oxfords’ design, but I am not quite sure about the loafers though. Really extraordinary!
Such a creative way to add some fun to a pair of leather shoes, thanks for the inspiration!
Those pants though! I love that hem. And the shoes, of course!
Okaaayyyy amazing, BUT also the pants! SO AMAZING. Tutorial, please?!
@Pearl, tutorial is coming next week! Stay tuned!
Love it! Feel like doing the same with the jeans <3
Sandrine x
I’ve got several of these! Made them accidentally before they were even trendy!
I’m kind-of surprised how much I like how the jeans are cut in this photo. I like how you get to see the bare ankle in the front!
Cute! the white pair is my fave – wish i had known about this in time to feature it on my best shoes diys!
コンスタンチンchaykinコンプトゥスの復活祭の時計は、あなたはそれを推測し、東方正教会の復活祭の感動的な日付を識別する顕著な挑戦に取り組むために設計されました。 パネライスーパーコピー このように、なぜ日付を計算するのが非常に難しいですか?さて、決定要因を含むので、月のサイクルは、太陽のサイクルは、エパクト、太陽の補正とより多く。chaykinのこれらの要因の全てを使用して計算をするために彼自身の方法を作成する方法を学びました、そして、彼だけにクロックを教えるように東方正教会の復活祭の日付を計算する。私たちはすぐにリストが無数の他の機能の中で、これはこの顕著な構造の目玉、大理石、真鍮、シルバー、鋼、ジュラルミン、ガラス、金、ラピスラズリ、とより多くから作られます。
人々が常に感じイギリス男の人がやっと紳士らしい、実は言えない。カルティエ時計コピー男も紳士らしい、代表のは1種の教養で、このような教養に国境はない。选択項は紳士特質の時計との組み合わせが重要、私たちをよく見てこのと紳士腕時計の徳制ゲーラ苏蒂Observer 1911。
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今日発表し、別の1つのバージョンの遅いが、拡張型ブロックを非常に有限会社、オメガスーパーコピー1線独特の腕時計、豚の特徴A制作の彫刻は、ウィラード維岡。一種の ロバート件1は一番新しく、添加していない以下のブロックは、可視模型特色Aヨット、A A Aハチドリ、ファルコンと甚だしきに至っては部落マスク。
ティソのマーケティング戦略を巧みに狙われた各地の若い女性。からロンドンファッションウィークの協賛、Indy巡茶」とRacing LeagueドライバーDanica Patrick君、ティソ表向きの若い女性はきっと市場。コピーブランドでも、ティソ表は唯一の。女は男よりもっと好きだから腕時計が飾り物を持って、ますます多くの企業がいる関心はこのプレート。
鋼のや金のバージョンがとても類似しているので、私は彼らが両方ともである性質のいくつかを議論するのを許します。第1のケースのサイズは、古典的なオメガスピードマスタームーンウォッチスタイルの場合には適度の39.7mmワイドである。オメガ・ブラウンのストラップで彼らとペアを選びましたが、この場合において、白のコントラスト縫い目による美しいマットアリゲーターストラップ。ちょうど下の40 mmのワイドで、この服装腕時計のようにたくさん着、フォーマルな服装と長いそでのために良いことだが、その古典的な観察を絶え間なくオメガスピードマスターがまだあります。
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How can I order shoes from you guys can’t seem to find the prices