The Legographer

In his series The Legographer, photographer Andrew Whyte has been busy documenting the adventures of his little LEGO protégé, shooting scenes out and about in London. Each day, for 365 days of the year, we get…

50 States Of Lego

Inspired by his daughter and her Lego collection, Canadian photographer Jeff Friesen has turned a side project into multi-part series that has captured the attention of many – including us Lego lovers! First was a series satirizing the…

Ink Riders

Artist Alberto Sevesto has followed up his beautiful Disastro Ecologico series with another set of...


In his ongoing project, Dispatchwork, artist Jan Vormann uses Legos to repair damaged walls. He started by patching up surfaces in Bocchigano, Italy and has since used the same technique on walls in urban cities…