DIY Pajaki

Last year we introduced you to the pajaki, a Polish chandelier made from straws and paper, with a basic tutorial on how to make a miniature variety. This year, again with the help of my…

DIY Paper Flower Crown

The artists and creative geniuses at the ever dreamy Castle In The Air recently introduced me to the Globe de Mariée. It’s a French tradition dating back to the 1800s where a couple would preserve mementos from their wedding…

Papel SF

It takes thirty five to eighty hours for Tiffanie Turner, of PapelSF, to...

DIY Crepe Paper Pom Pom Garland

Psssst! Did you hear? Our new site HonestlyYUM finally made it’s official debut yesterday! In addition to discovering a plethora of seasonal food and cocktail recipes, you can expect to find tips on how to host…

DIY Surprise Balls

I’ll never forget the first time I unraveled my first surprise ball. My smile only got bigger and bigger as a glorious pile of brightly colored paper started to form after more and more wonderfully trivial…

DIY Crepe Paper Flowers

I recently spotted a sensational bouquet of paper flowers inside my favorite (and the ultimate) boutique for creative inspiration, Castles In The Air. A combination of Mexican paper flowers and those ever so popular tissue paper pom…