Wouldn’t you love to be a guest at this beachside soirée? (via...

Holy Heat Wave

It is HOT here on the west coast. It’s hard to believe October is almost here and I’m shopping for a new bathing suit. California based Mikoh is offering 20% off all their suits in…

Massimo Vitali

Summer is coming to an end but I couldn’t resist sharing Massimo Vitali‘s series of Italian beach panoramas. Although his large format photos simply depict masses of people at leisure, there is an undeniably alluring…


Gold Coast Longboards has done it right with this shag carpet skateboard....

Hammam Towels

Sometimes a standard beach towel just isn’t large enough space separating you and the sand–which makes Hammam towels the perfect summer beach blanket.  Also called peştemals, Hammam towels are traditionally used at Turkish baths are…