Chinese artist Liu Bolin camouflages himself into any surroundings with paint. It can take him up to 10 hours for a single shot. WOW!
(via here)
Chinese artist Liu Bolin camouflages himself into any surroundings with paint. It can take him up to 10 hours for a single shot. WOW!
(via here)
I’m blown away by this series- thanks for sharing!
that is extremely cool. Mr. Bolin, you have a lot of time on your hands….and paint. HA.
This is absolutely amazing. Both the work and the fact that he thought of something so creative like this!
Not sure how you find all these amazing artists and photographs, etc. but just have to say, I love reading your blog. 🙂
the art you feature on this site is so unique and incredible. These pictures are stunning, what a great idea for him to do this.
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Amazing! Your blog is such an inspiration-we love it- Thank you ladies
It is just so cool. I mean the idea is awesome and then even really DO it. I´m blown away. 🙂
so horrible and tragic 🙁
Wow, that’s crazy. Does he paint himself? Use a mirror? I wonder how that works?
omg i couldnt tell where he was
Simply amazing! That turely is art!!
Amazing stuff!!!
this is crazy…and so freaking cool. wow. if that’s not art i don’t know what is!
wow… amazing! I wish I had his patience!
Viaggio Della Farfalla
The Key Item
Wow! It took me quite a while to even see him in the first pic!
That’s a little creepy but also impressive and funny!
this is CRAZY!!! Wish I was that talented. How the heck does he paint himself though????
here is a pretty cool video showing the process…enjoy!
As Anne said, this is quite creepy when you think about it but … it’s still pretty amazing ! This is so original.
these photos are so cool!
Just discovered your blog. I love that you have good art on here.
This is amazing. But aren’t his assistants doing all of the work?
Oh my wow…
How do we KNOW these are not photoshopped? They would be so much easier to do that way and no one would be able to tell the difference.
OK, nevermind. I watched the video.
So creepy yet so awesome. It took me a second to even find him in the tractor photo.
it actually took me a while to find him in the first picture!!! hahahaha
what?! that is awesome. once again I’m left wondering, how do you guys find this stuff? thanks for introducing us all to so many exciting new people places and things!
Incredible. There is such a great community of artists coming out of China over the past few years.
Woah, that’s crazy, but cool!
wow! i have seen attempts at this type of thing before, with few convincing results. This guy takes it to another level though! It took me forever to find him in the first one. thanks for the inspiration ladies!
oh my god. i actually have goosebumps all over my arms. this is intense. this is incredible!! i don’t even know what words to use.. ahhh. amazing.
january, x
Camouflage! He is brilliant!
Be Kind Rewind – nuff said.
Love this work didn’t Mitchka start this kind of thing in USA now she was fantastic, being a woman and all.
Seriously? Get a grip people! This guy has too much time on his hands….”What’ll I do today? I know! I’ll camouflage myself agains a digger”. Yeah – great idea Mr!
Liu Bolin has been doing his Hiding in the City series since 2005. It started as a political commentary on the tensions between the Chinese government and their people and the identity an environment gives an individual and vice versa. Liu Bolin will be exhibiting at Eli Klein Fine Art in New York from June 29 – August 28, 2011. Eli Klein Fine Art represents him exclusively in North and South America. More images can be found on
This is brilliant, just brilliant! It took me a while to find him in the first photo 🙂
Wow!! Almost couldn’t see him in the first one!
These are amazing! Thank you for these!
Uff looks ghoooooost
Fucking awesome!!! Unbelievable creativity..
this sooooo cray cray
These are among my all time favorites, my favorite scene from the movie house of cards, when the little girl paints herself to look like the tree outside the window and stands on the window ledge/ sill md literally disappears from the room amazing talent!
We learned about this in a history class today, I’m surprised you didn’t mention any of the symbolism behind it! Chinese contemporary art took off after being inspired by what was going on with the art movement in North America. Bolin is trying to depict the confusion the Chinese people felt about fitting into such a massive society, especially after the Tienanmen Square protest for democracy. People felt invisible.
I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in an exhibition along with Liu Bolin in an exhibition titled
INTERACT: Deconstructing Spectatorship at the East Wing Biennial | The Courtauld Institute of Art in London,
curated by Alicia Stockley and Elizabeth de Bertier.
Liu’s work was outstanding in that it struck me as stunningly beautiful, skillfully and exquisitely executed, and at the same time deeply meaningful both on a personal level and equally on a cultural/socio-political level.
This series “Hiding in the City” began when, in 2005, the Chinese government shut down the artist’s district of Suo Jia Cun. Over 100 buildings were demolished including Liu’s own studio. Left without a studio, Liu took his art to the streets creating a place for his art and himself. Truly brilliant work.
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very good Collection
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